Thursday, November 3, 2011

Baptism for the Dead

1 Corinthians 15:29 is today's scripture mastery.  It comes in the same chapter as yesterday's scripture mastery, which was on the resurrection.
 29 Else what shall they do which are baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not at all? why are they then baptized for the dead?
In this verse, Paul teaches the Corinthians about the resurrection, and uses the argument of the practice of baptism for the dead to support his reasoning.  How do the two relate?  Well, if we will not be resurrected, we will have no need of being baptized.  Paul was arguing that the members of the church that were performing baptisms for the dead would be wasting their time IF the resurrection was not a reality.  This verse is very interesting for those who think that baptism for the dead is something the Joseph Smith made up--The practice of baptism for the dead was practiced by the ancient Christians, as referenced here by Paul.

Joseph Smith wrote a letter to the church on the subject of baptism for the dead.  It is recorded in Doctrine and Covenants section 128.  I won't quote it here, but you can click on the link if you would like to read what he said about the subject.

Some additional notes of importance with baptism for the dead.  All these requirements are given by revelation:
1)It must be performed by someone with the Priesthood of God
2)It must be performed in a very specific way(immersion), and in a specific place (a temple)
3)It is done by proxy (i.e. someone is baptized in the name of the person who had deceased, and is baptized for them)
4)The baptism must be recorded in the records of the church, and is witnessed by two witnesses
5)The sealing power of the Preisthood that makes this possible is the same sealing power that the prophet Elijah had(which he restored to the prophet Joseph Smith  recorded in Doctrine and Covenants 110:13-16).  It is the power to seal something on earth, and it is also sealed in Heaven.
6)Those who we are baptizing by proxy are NOT forced to accept the baptism--If they choose to accept it on their behalf, they can.  If they choose to reject it, they can.  It is done by our members as a service out of love for all mankind.  We do it, because of the requirement from God that everyone must be baptized, or they cannot return to live in the kingdom of God.

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