Sunday, February 19, 2012

The promise of tithing

Sometimes, members of our church jokingly call tithing "fire insurance."  The reason they do is today's scripture mastery, Doctrine and Covenants 64:23:
 23 Behold, now it is called today until the coming of the Son of Man, and verily it is a day of sacrifice, and a day for the tithing of my people; for he that is tithed shall not be burned at his coming.
How is tithing like fire insurance?  Well, we have the promise of Christ that if we pay our tithing, we will not be burned at Christ's second coming.  I believe that one of the reasons for that is that it takes faith (sometimes a LOT of faith) to pay tithing.  Faith (along with repentance) is one of the requirements that we must have in order to return to God's presence after we finish our life here on earth.

We do not need to suffer though here and now if we pay our tithing however.  I have mentioned in a previous post that we are blessed more than we have room to receive the blessings (Malachi 3:10-11) if we faithfully pay our tithing.  I know that is true, as I have often been the recipient of those blessings recieved from paying tithing in my life.  I know that God always keeps his promises.  Take that leap of faith, and pay your tithing--you will be glad you did!

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