Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Song of the Heart and Self Mastery

Doctrine and Covenants 25:12 teaches us about the importance of good music:
12 For my soul delighteth in the song of the heart; yea, the song of the righteous is a prayer unto me, and it shall be answered with a blessing upon their heads.
This verse comes from a revelation to Emma Smith, the wife to the prophet Joseph Smith.  She was asked to compile the first hymn book for the use of the church.  We learn that the Lord enjoys a good song, and counts it as a prayer to him.

Good music is very powerful.  It can go beyond just brightening our day.  It can be a protection to us.  There is a classic talk given by President Boyd K Packer of the quorum of the 12 apostles.  In it he teaches us the power of music.  This is an excerpt from his talk titled "Inspiring Music--Worthy Thoughts":
I had been told a hundred times or more as I grew up that thoughts must be controlled. But no one told me how.
I want to tell you young people about one way you can learn to control your thoughts, and it has to do with music.
The mind is like a stage. Except when we are asleep the curtain is always up. There is always some act being performed on that stage. It may be a comedy, a tragedy, interesting or dull, good or bad; but always there is some act playing on the stage of the mind.
Have you noticed that without any real intent on your part, in the middle of almost any performance, a shady little thought may creep in from the wings and attract your attention? These delinquent thoughts will try to upstage everybody.
If you permit them to go on, all thoughts of any virtue will leave the stage. You will be left, because you consented to it, to the influence of unrighteous thoughts.
If you yield to them, they will enact for you on the stage of your mind anything to the limits of your toleration. They may enact a theme of bitterness, jealousy, or hatred. It may be vulgar, immoral, even depraved.
When they have the stage, if you let them, they will devise the most clever persuasions to hold your attention. They can make it interesting all right, even convince you that it is innocent—for they are but thoughts.
What do you do at a time like that, when the stage of your mind is commandeered by the imps of unclean thinking?—whether they be the gray ones that seem almost clean or the filthy ones which leave no room for doubt.
If you can control your thoughts, you can overcome habits, even degrading personal habits. If you can learn to master them you will have a happy life.
This is what I would teach you. Choose from among the sacred music of the Church a favorite hymn, one with words that are uplifting and music that is reverent, one that makes you feel something akin to inspiration. Remember President Lee’s counsel; perhaps “I Am A Child of God” would do. Go over it in your mind carefully. Memorize it. Even though you have had no musical training, you can think through a hymn.
Now, use this hymn as the place for your thoughts to go. Make it your emergency channel. Whenever you find these shady actors have slipped from the sidelines of your thinking onto the stage of your mind, put on this record, as it were.
As the music begins and as the words form in your thoughts, the unworthy ones will slip shamefully away. It will change the whole mood on the stage of your mind. Because it is uplifting and clean, the baser thoughts will disappear. For while virtue, by choice, will not associate with filth, evil cannot tolerate the presence of light.
In due time you will find yourself, on occasion, humming the music inwardly. As you retrace your thoughts, you discover some influence from the world about you encouraged an unworthy thought to move on stage in your mind, and the music almost automatically began.
“Music,” said Gladstone, “is one of the most forceful instruments for governing the mind and spirit of man.”
There are many excellent Hymns that can be used to inspire, uplift, and even protect us.  See  for some excellent examples.  Choose your favorite one, and use it as President Packer suggested.  Think it/sing it in your mind when those thoughts come in to your mind that should not be there, and they will go away.

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