Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Missionary work

Today's scripture mastery is about missionary work.  It is found in Jeremiah 16:16
 16 Behold, I will send for many fishers, saith the Lord, and they shall fish them; and after will I send for many hunters, and they shall hunt them from every mountain, and from every hill, and out of the holes of the rocks.
These fishers and hunters that the Lord is talking about are fishing and hunting for the children of Israel, or in other words, God's covenant people.  The 12 tribes of Israel were scattered all over the world by different countries that had taken them in to slavery.  They got so scattered that it is very difficult to know where they are.

God knows where they are however.   He sends the missionaries all over the world to find them.  When they are found, they are taught the promises of the gospel, and they can partake of the blessings of the covenants and promises of the gospel that are theirs by birthright. 

There is a talk about the children of the covenant by Elder Russell M. Nelson of the quorum of the 12 apostles.  It talks about the wonderful blessings promised to Abraham and his posterity.  You can read it here.

These blessings of the gospel are not just for literal descendants of Abraham.  No, they are also for anybody who is adopted in to his family by baptism.  When anyone is baptised by the proper authority, they become heirs to all the same blessings--just as if they were born in the covenant.

These wonderful blessings that the gospel has are for everybody!  That is why we have such a strong emphasis on missionary work in our church.  It is because we have so much to offer!  We do it out of love for our fellow man.  We want everybody to be able to have the same blessings that we enjoy.

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