This is a very neat promise from God. Who among us doesn't lack in wisdom? There is always something that we should know-something that will help us in whatever situation we may be in in life. . .
God is a God of Truth and Wisdom. He is omniscient (all knowing). And more than that, he is willing to impart of that knowledge to any who come to him in faith.
This is not a promise only for certain people, such as Joseph Smith-no, this is a promise to "all men"! God has promised that if we come to him in faith seeking wisdom, he will "upbraideth not" (The greek word that upbraideth was translated from means reproaches or censures.) In other words, as you may have heard others say in school or work before: "There are no dumb questions." God will not belittle us for coming to him with what we may feel are small questions, or hold back his answers. He only asks that we come to Him in faith, believing that we will receive an answer.
That is what revelation is. You are entitled to personal revelation, straight from God. If you have need of knowlege or wisdom from God--just ask!
God really does answer prayers. He always answers our sincere prayers. Sometimes the answer doesn't come as quickly as we would hope, and sometimes the answer is "no" when we were hoping for a "yes", but he always does answer.
Nicely said Collin and I can add my testimony that prayer changes things in our lives for the better!