We believe in the literal gathering of Israel and in the restoration of the Ten Tribes; that Zion (the New Jerusalem) will be built upon the American continent; that Christ will reign personally upon the earth; and, that the earth will be renewed and receive its paradisiacal glory.There are a lot of things that are listed here that will happen in the future (and one that we can see has already begun).
Lets start with the literal gathering of Israel. When this Article of Faith was written, there was no country of Israel. The Jews had been scattered all over the world. Now they have their own country. That is another example of revelation being fulfilled.
The other things mentioned here are still in the future, but I believe that they will all happen. First, what is this New Jerusalem? There are many scriptures that refer to it. See a list of many of them here: (Topical Guide: New Jerusalem). Sometime in the future, there will be a new city built, which will be called Zion. And that along with the holy city of Jerusalem, there will be many important things that will happen there. Micah in the Old testament says that the law will come from Zion, and the word of the Lord will come from Jerusalem.
We believe that Christ will come again to the earth (this is known as the Second Coming) When he does, he will reign as King over the earth. When he does come again, the earth will be cleansed from wickedness, and the righteous will live on the earth for 1000 years in peace and righteousness. Since there will be no wicked people on the earth (Satan will be bound, and will not be able to tempt anybody during that period), the earth will be a very nice place to be!
Now, we don't know when that will happen. We only know that it is "soon." One last point--soon in God's terms doesn't necessarily mean soon in ours. . .When Nephi (the first prophet who recorded in the Book of Mormon) left Jerusalem with his family, in about 600BC, he was told that Christ would be born soon. 600 years may not seem soon to us, but in God's time frame, it probably is. Since we don't know how soon Christ will come, we are told to be ready. We should live righteously, and repent when needed. If we do that, we will be in good shape, whether he comes tomorrow, or whether he comes 600 years from now.
I like the scripture references that you have listed
ReplyDeleteI like this reminder that I need to "step up my game". :)